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When weather meets Keynote. (part 1 of 2)

We are well versed in PowerPoint and Slides, do you know what Keynote is all about? In this post, we are going to show you one simple thing you can do with Keynote right now. It does not matter what age or subject, using this quick technique you can assess kids in a flash.

This is a three-step process.
Step 1 - Location
They need a place to upload the project to so you can grade/share it. This could be AirDrop or Canvas.

Step 2 - Create

Start by opening Keynote on your iPad.
Click Create Presentation.

I recommend choosing the White presentation. This will allow you to create what looks like a blank piece of paper.

1. I would strongly recommend having the student adding a title and their full name. This will help you when you are grading.
2. Click the plus in the lower left.
3. Scroll down and click the blank slide.

1. Click the plus in the upper right.
2. Click what looks like two pieces of paper.
3. Click Drawing.

Use the tools along the bottom to have the kids create a representation of whatever they are needing to show you they have mastered.
Click Done in the upper right when finished.

1. Click the plus in the upper right.
2. Click Record Audio.

1. Click Record to start/stop.
2. Click Insert to add the audio click to the presentation.
This is the killer feature, not only did they draw a representation of their understanding of the concept, now you can hear it in their own words.
Pro Tip - Give them a time limit!

Step 3 - Upload
This step will highlight how the kids can take what they created and upload it to your already made Canvas assignment.

Do not use the Canvas app for this, I can stress this enough, the web version of Canvas has more features. For this, I created a file upload assignment and removed all other options.

Open Canvas on the web and locate the assignment.

Click Submit Assignment.

Click Choose to find your file.

Click Browse.

Find the correct file, the one with your name and the correct topic.

Depending on the size, wait about 7-17 seconds.
Then click the green Submit Assignment button.

You know something has been uploaded when you see the button chnage to Re-Submit.


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