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Showing posts from October, 2019

Clickable images in Canvas (#lscanvas)

Have you seen some of the homepages people are building in Canvas? Ever wonder how they created these clickable images? Check out this process to turn your page up to 11. Note: Make sure you can prove that the images you are using have the proper creative commons license. Using an image you found with a Google search might not be legal for you to use. Start with Google I start with a simple Google search for the image I want to use. I searched for tree . I then clicked on Images . 1. Click Tools on the far right. 2. Click one of the four options below Not filtered by license . By choosing a different option you will be shown images you can use freely without worrying of unfortunate things happening like it did to this teacher . Here is how Google defines the Labeled for... categories. 3. Download the image. Open Your Canvas Course Click on Files on the left side navigation of your course. 1. Click +Folder 2. Name the folder, be speci