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Showing posts from May, 2022

Documenting Learning: Video Shorts (9-12) Summer 2022

This post was created to support our summer learning. In this class we will: learn the mechanics of WeVideo explore simple ways we can use our mobile devices to shoot video understand some of the issues students run into when using WeVideo plan for using WeVideo in the fall Getting Started In class, we will create a 3 Word Story, a simplified version of the 6 Word Story we used in ELA during the 21-22 school year. Prompt : Create a video that is no more than 30 seconds. The video will teach us something about you that we might not already know or something we would find interesting. The video must contain three words that are unspoken, meaning we must see them represented somehow physically on the screen.  Example: Two Fast Skills We could spend all summer learning how to shoot great video and using WeVideo to edit into something that would win awards. Today we will just focus on how to shoot a decent shot and edit it. Planning We created this organizer to help you plan your shots. Wh