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Showing posts from May, 2024

New version of ChatGPT coming soon!

 Today OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT, showed their newest version called ChatGPTo. Much of this new version will be free! Here are two demonstrations that I have watched a few times and I am in shock.  What hooked me was the AI helping them little by little to find the solution. I wonder what else it can do, could it help with difficult chemistry or a social studies topic? I would imagine it could as these models can pass any AP exam with a 5. This is fantastic! What really got me was how the voice is pretty realistic and the questions were really good.

Two AI Prompts: What do you see and what do you notice?

We have been investigating many different types of prompts to see which gives us the best results. The other day we were in a 4th grade classroom at Long talking about types of poems. What do you see and notice about these two prompts? Prompt 1 Prompt 2 In prompt one we told the AI who we were and what we needed help with. For prompt two we added who we needed the AI to be.  One take away, we need to help the students who are using AI to not only prompt it with who we are but who we want it to be.

Toggle this on/off for videos and Canva.

 If videos and movie clips do not play correctly or Canva isn't loading, this tip is for you. Open Chrome. Click the ice cream cone, three dots, in the upper right corner. Click Settings. Start typing acceleration in the search window NOT the address bar. Toggle off from video, toggle to blue for Canva. Relaunch to save changes.

One setting you might want to change.

This tip comes from Sherri, one of our Apple specialists we have been working with for years.. There are times when you try to click the trackpad and things don't go right. Issues you might encounter range from things not clicking to a dictionary popping up.  To avoid this, you will need to turn off haptic feedback by following these directions. Open Settings. There are multiple ways of finding settings, one way is on your dock. Search Track, then click Trackpad. Toggle off Force Click and haptic feedback.