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Showing posts from 2020

Images in the iPad Canvas app

Can't see some images on your iPad? Try this! Click the Settings app. 1. Scroll down until you see the Canvas Student app. 2. Click the Canvas Student app. Make sure you toggle Allow Cross-Website Tracking to Green. Toggle Reset cache on the next launch to Green. Next time you launch the student app it will ask you to log back in. The next few images will walk you through that process. Click the blue Find my school button. 1. Type in Lindbergh Schools 2. Click Lindbergh Schools - Staff & Students Enter your FULL Lindbergh Gmail address. Click the blue Next button. Enter your password. Click the blue Next button. Click your class. Images now appear!

Cookies on the iPad

  Unfortunately, this isn't about actual cookies, just the electronic ones on your iPad. This post will show you how to turn them on or off.  Just remember - Green - cookies blocked Gray - cookies not blocked Click the Settings app on your iPad. Scroll down on the far left side. Click Safari . To turn Cookies off, make sure it is gray.

Update to a super fast Chrome!

Chrome was just updated and it is wayyyyy faster! I am like some of you, the more tabs the better and I have noticed the new Chrome handles all the tabs more efficiently than it did just before I updated. Chrome appears the same but now just faster. How to update Chrome. Do you see this in the upper right of Chrome? Click to update. If not, keep reading. Open Chrome. 1. Click the ice cream cone in the upper right. (three dots) 2. Click Help. 3. Click About Google Chrome. When I followed this process it just started updating. Sometimes you might need to click a button. Clicking Relaunch will unleash the powerful new Chrome!

How to share your screen on an iPad while Zooming.

This post will show you how to share your iPad screen while Zooming. Before you start Zooming Click Settings . Click Control Center . Click the green plus for Screen Recording . Now you should see the Screen Recording appear in the Included Controls section at the top. In the Zoom When you are in Zoom, tap the screen. Now click the green Share Screen button. If you see this warning, ask the teacher to turn on screen sharing. Click Screen on the dropdown menu. 1. Find and click Zoom . 2. Click Screen Broadcast . You now should see this message. Now open the app, like Dreambox, that you need to share with your teacher. 1. When I am on my home screen I can tell I am still sharing my screen by this little red button. 2. To end screen share, open Zoom.

Have you updated your Zoom lately?

  Did you know Zoom is constantly updating? These updates come with all kinds of amazing features. Before we get to features, make sure you have updated your Zoom client. Client is just the fancy word for little desktop thingy that runs Zoom. Find this icon somewhere on your computer and click. Make sure you have logged in with your school Google account. Click on your head in the upper right corner.  Click Check for Updates. Run and install these updates. Next time you are in a meeting, click the Security button. Check out the new option! To read more about it, see the Zoom blog . The short version is this will stop all breakout rooms, audio, video, chat, annotations, and screen sharing instantly. This can come in handy from time to time. I could see myself using it when I lose track of time and need everyone back in the main room right away.

Using the iPad screen recorder and uploading the video to Canvas.

  This post will show you how to use the iPad screen recorder and upload it to an assignment in Canvas. The first step is making sure the screen recorder is available in the Control Center . Start by opening the Settings on your iPad. 1. Click Control Center on the left. 2. If you see Screen Recording listed in the More Controls section, click the small plus symbol. Make sure you can see Screen Recording listed in the Included Controls section. To open the screen recorder, drag your finger from the upper right corner in a downward angle like the arrow. Click the Screen Recording button. Tripple check, you will need to make sure you have clicked the microphone on. I have created a bunch of recordings and half the time I forget to turn the mic on. 1. I can tell my mic is ready because it is red and says ON. 2. Click Start Recording when ready. I can tell it is recording when I see Screen Recoding turn red at the top and it will say Stop Recording at the bottom. I now click into the s