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Showing posts from December, 2021

Canvas Studio - on a chromebook

Recording in Studio on a Chromebook is super simple. Please forward this to any student who needs to record a screen capture. 1. Open Canvas. 2. Open your presentation in another tab. 1. Click Studio. 2. Click Record. 3. Choose Screen Capture. If you see this, choose Allow. 1. Click Chrome Tab. 2. Choose the tab with your presentation. 3. Choose Share. Click the View Tab button. 1. Scroll down. 2. Make sure you have your built-in mic selected. 3. Click Start Recording. You should see this red light when you are screen recording. No light? That means it isn't recording. 1. When you are finished, click the Canvas tab. 2. Scroll down and name your video. 3. Click Save Media. Now your recording will appear in Studio.