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Using WeVideo to create a Crash Course video.

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AI in Canva

I had a question about using AI to create images. There are a few options, but Canva is a district tool that has a number of AI features built in. In this video you will learn how to create AI generated images in Canva.
I have been working with AI for some time now and have a few new ideas to share. My current AI tools I use are: ChatGPT Gemini Claude Copilot Some of you will ask why tools like magic school AI are not on the list. What I recommend is getting to know how AI works before moving into the other resources. If you want a longer explanation, let me know. Prompts I Start With How I explain AI to students, staff and family: Think of AI as a new friend, you need to tell them a little about yourself so they get to know and understand you. To do that, you need to build a good introduction and save it somewhere. When using AI, cut/paste this intro to help speed up your prompting. Examples : I am a 2nd grade teacher with 24 years of experience. I teach in St Louis, MO and have 24 students in my classroom. My strengths are using technology and connecting learning to the outside world. I love reading great stories to my students that have deeper meanings. I have a macbook air and an ipad. My students

Make a documentary that will move people!

 Make a documentary that will move people! This post was created to help the LHS PBL English students create dynamic documentary films. Lesson Flow In class, we watched the video embedded below to build a common understanding of how documentaries are put together and address the audience. From there we explored a few ideas and then went to editing in WeVideo Video: Viewing 1 The first time we watch this clip we are focusing on the following three questions. What did you see? What did you notice? How did it start and end? Video: Viewing 2 The second time we narrowed our focus to look for specific video and editing techniques. We broke into a few small groups, each focusing on one element. Our focal points: Sound - Whatever your subject is, it should be heard loud and clear. If there is too much distracting background noise, or the subject is super quiet, the whole video becomes nearly unwatchable. Sound can include voiceovers, background noise, music and more. Be mindful of how far your