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Showing posts from December, 2019

Using Technology to Read Aloud to Students

For students who struggle with reading, having assignments and tests read aloud may remove a barrier to learning. These universal supports are available to all students. To make any modification successful, take time to teach the student how to use the technology so they can access it independently in the future and make it work for them. Here are some strategies to use: Strategy: Take a video of someone reading the assignment out loud and post it to Canvas or YouTube (each Lindbergh gmail account has a YouTube account connected) - email or post the link for students to access Example: Tip: This is helpful for worksheets or paper copies that can't be accessed in a web browser. Teach students how to watch instructional videos - pausing the video in between questions for "think time", pausing to ask clarifying questions, following along on paper as they watch and rewinding to listen to something again or clicking on the gear

Two Chromebook Tips

We asked some of the impact study students what they missed about the iPads and two ideas kept coming up. Most really missed having a split-screen and talking to Siri. This post will show you how to do those two tasks on a Chromebook. Ok Google Kids miss asking Siri whatever is on their mind and getting an instant response. Did you know you can do something very similar on the Chromebooks? I have found Google gives me better results than my Amazon Echo. The Echo gives better results than Siri. I would imagine this tip will be super helpful to many of the kids. Open Chrome. Click the small microphone and ask your question. I clicked and asked what the weather will be like tomorrow in St. Louis. This is the result. It did not speak back, just presented what I needed. I was disappointed with the result, I was hoping for something slightly snowier and more snowdayish. I asked what the average snowfall for St. Louis in December, this time it started talki