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Seesaw for Schools: DO and DON'T Tips for Wrapping Up the School Year

The end of the year is quickly approaching and Seesaw for Schools has been an essential tool for your class.  What do you need to do to wrap up your year of Seesaw?  This blog summarizes recommendations from the Seesaw help center and @EdTechJulieJ's PD in your PJs webinar.  It's time to check off the boxes so let's begin!

Tip #1: DO verify students in your active class all have student IDs.  This step ensures student work will be accessible beyond this year and stays with the student.
  1. Log into Seesaw.
  2. Click on the wrench in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Scroll down and click on Manage Students.
  4. Verify that your students all have IDs consistent with SIS.  If you cannot find student IDs, they will have to be added manually.  Email Colin and Doug for assistance.
Tip #2: DO create a favorites folder highlighting the best student work.  Adding their best work to a Favorites folder is a great way for students to celebrate their best work while also building a manageable portfolio for next year's teacher.  Memorable student work will be accessible for parents as well.
  1. Log into Seesaw.
  2. Click on the wrench in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Click on Enable item editing.
  4. Scroll down further and turn on "Show Add to Folder Step" for students and teachers if it is not already.
  5. Back in the wrench menu, click on Manage Folders.
  6. Create a new folder called Favorites.
  7. Students and teacher add the best work to the Favorites folder. 
Tip #3: DO let families know their child's work can be accessed and downloaded over the summer and in the future.  The help article these instructions were taken from can be found here.  If you as the teacher would like to download a journal, follow the instructions found here.
  1. Parents should sign into their family or student account at
  2. Click on the profile icon on the top left.
  3. Click the gear icon.
  4. Click account settings.
  5. Scroll down and click Download Journal Archives.
  6. Click the Download Journal button.  This will create a zip file which may be large.   

Tip #4: DO NOT archive your class unless told to do so.  This step will automatically take place May 31st through the Technology Department.  Only archive your class manually when you created a class with no associated SIS roster (ELL, for example).

Tip #5: DO NOT delete or remove students or your class roster.  Seesaw for Schools data is managed automatically through SIS and Clever.  If you delete a student or your class, all of their hard work will be gone forever.

Have a great summer!


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