#dowhatyoucant I love the idea of a new phone. The other day Samsung released a new Galaxy so I tuned in to watch the show. At the end they played this video and I fell in love with the idea, do what you can't. It reminded me a lot of growth mindsets, positive attitudes and the Jar of Awesome. Now that I have watched it a billion times, and currently listening to Rocket Man, I started to think about something I did recently, something I never thought I could do. Back in February I was talking to Sarah Valter and she mention this idea of writing every day as a part of the Slice of Life , something the Two Writing Teachers did for the past ten years. Writing something everyday that would be put online for people to read? No way, not in a million years. My writing skills are not publishable online and I was pretty sure that I had nothing to share. I put all the self doubt and fear aside and just jumped right in thanks to Sarah. One post every day for the whole ...
All things teaching, learning and tech!